Several of Your Questions About Adding an Asphalt Driveway to Your Property Answered
Adding a paved driveway to your property can be a great investment for improving the usability and value of your home. Unfortunately, you may not be particularly informed about the process of installing an asphalt driveway. If this is the case, you will want to make sure that you have a thorough understanding about these common driveway-paving questions and answers.
What Is Needed to Prepare the Property for Installing an Asphalt Driveway?
In order for an asphalt driveway to be poured, it is likely that several inches or more of the soil will need to be removed. This is necessary so that the asphalt will be even when it is poured. Unfortunately, this excavation work can place any buried cables at risk of being damaged. For this reason, you must have the local utility companies mark any buried lines on your property. If you fail to have this done, you might have to pay for any damages that result from the excavation work.
When Will You Be Able to Use Your New Driveway?
While you may be excited about using your new driveway, you will need to be aware that it is necessary for the pavement to have several days to a week to cure before you regularly use it. If you drive or park on the asphalt before it fully dries, you could inadvertently leave deep indentations or cracks in its surface. When this type of damage occurs, you will need to use an asphalt filler to correct this damage.
Will the Color of the Asphalt Change As It Ages?
As time progresses, your asphalt color may gradually start to fade. This fading results from the prolonged exposure to the sun's intense ultraviolet rays. This type of light is able to break down color pigments, and this will gradually cause your driveway to turn to a shade a grey. You can help to combat this problem by regularly applying a seal coating that reflects this spectrum of light. If your driveway has already faded, you may be able to restore its appearance by having a new finish applied to the asphalt, or you could have it resurfaced.
Asphalt driveways are a common upgrade for homeowners to make to their properties. However, it is a reality that many individuals may not know what they should expect from these upgrades. By understanding the importance of having the utility companies mark any buried lines, the need to allow the pavement to fully dry before driving on it, and the steps you can take to preserve or restore the color of your asphalt, you should find yourself better suited to get the most from this investment in your property.
Talk to a company such as Gopher State Sealcoat for more information.